Getting Your Car Repaired Several years ago when you would get your car repaired and depending on the size of...
Auto Body Repair Facts
What Are Your Legal Rights For Collision Repair in Pennsylvania?
Nobody ever gets in their car and plans to get in a car accident. If you just got into an...
The Difference Between Who’s An OEM Certified Technician And Who’s Not
Here in Pennsylvania, we see body shops all over that claim they know how to repair your car. But what...
What Honda/Acura Wants Pennsylvania Drivers To Know About Pre-and Post-Repair Scanning
Recently, scanning has become a new (and expensive) need in car repair. The costs for scanning have caused some insurance...
OEM Certification: The New Normal For Collision Repair
When was the last time you got your car repaired? Whether it sometime over the past 5 years or 15...
Problems With Clear Coat Thickness On Your Car Following A Pennsylvania Collision Repair
Nobody expects when they drop their car off to be repaired, a technician will cut corners just to get the...